After thinking about it all weekend, well all summer too, I've decided that my current job with the Coop isn't going to work out this school year. I started back to work last week, and was going to give it a month or two to see how things went. I had just one deal-breaker, and that was the hours I was willing to work. The school district doesn't want to count my driving time as part of my working hours, so I would have to leave the house no later than 6 in the morning and I wouldn't get home until 6 or 7 pm. That's just a little too long for a part-time job. My commute was 4 hours/day. I didn't get my local schools, which was one of the main reasons I accepted the job in the first place. Now this was for a logical reason, and I am not arguing against my supervisor taking over those schools. There will be at least one student who really needs her particular skills. And there will only be 4 children in those two schools needing speech services. So it made sense that I go to Presidio. My objection to driving that road was noted, but dismissed. This morning the director of the Coop called me and told me that I absolutely had to be at the school in Presidio from 8-4, as that was implied in my contract (implied, not written) unless I would be willing to switch to an hourly rate. I wouldn't be making as much money. Mileage was going to go up a little, maybe as high as $.40/mile, but gas prices just went up to $2.75 and are expected to climb to $3.00 by the end of the year. My reasons are many, and Eric and I both think this will be for the best. I'm planning on signing up to sub at the local schools, although I won't make any money at it; all my money would go to pay the babysitter. Haven't heard anything about the VUA position I applied for, so I'm not going to count my chickens yet. I will have to pay back my July paycheck, except for 2 days worth. I will be sending back the electric breast pump I ordered as soon as it arrives, as my sister's is just fine for occasional use.
All that being said, Sam has a new word. He says Yucky. It's cute until he mixes it up with yummy and applies it to dinner.