Thursday, September 08, 2005


Sam is now saying please with a vengeance. Anything he seems to think he needs is begged for with a pleading 'dweez'. Not to be mistaken for Tweez, or trees. Sam is putting words together finally, but he's about 6 months behind average. That's still considered perfectly normal. Of course understanding those phrases and words can be tricky. Especially since he'll answer yes and mean no, and no and mean yes, or just scream for a while. I'm working on being more consistant with my answers. I tend to cave occasionally, and that creates problems when I really don't want to say yes.

Awyn is a happy baby most all the time now. I'm learning her nap cues, so I usually avert a cranky fit by putting her down for some down time, where she usually falls asleep. Now if she'd only sleep more consistantly through the night! She sleeps from 9 or 10 to 2,3, or 4 and then wakes up every hour after that. I'm trying to cut back her night time feedings because I simply can't keep getting up to feed her that often.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the please deal. We have to drag it out of Cole but he will say it. I don't think he understands that it can get him more stuff from his mommy and daddy. He is finally (the last two weeks) saying yeah!!! for yes. We ask him if he wants juice or milk and he says "Yeah!!! I want Juice!" We also hear you on the who lost in translation thingy too. Sometimes we just stop and stare at him as he repetes the same sentance over and over again but niether Chad nor I have a clue what his is talking about.
    Two is such a fun age!!!!
