Sunday, December 24, 2006

OK, that's it, the traps are coming out...

This means war. Another mouse just scurried into this room and crawled all over the bookshelves. I'm getting out ALL of the traps and baiting them. I don't care if I have to cart out a dozen mouse bodies or how cute they look, I'm tired of cleaning up mouse poop! Besides, they chew on the wiring. I just wish those traps weren't such an ugly death. I truly hate seeing the poor mouse the next morning. Of course, I think I could handle it if it means no more mice. I'm feeling very vindictive right now. Here mousy mousy mousy. Anyone remember the old TV mini-series V? I keep thinking of the alien digging through the dumpster looking for a mouse to eat. I do confess that I throw the trap, the mouse, and the paper I've placed the trap on away in a plastic bag because I refuse to actually touch the mouse. At least they aren't roaches. I react in a very stereotypically cliche way to roaches. I think mice are cute. Roaches are disgusting. I need Eric to deal with roaches.


  1. Mice 6, Liz 1
    These numbers reflect the number of traps licked clean and the number of mice caught in traps. Oh, and the one mouse I caught was two days ago. I just wanted to give myself a boost. Darned mice are wily little boogers.

  2. OK, last night - traps licked clean =5. Dead mice=0. I discovered that the trap that was sprung the night before was faulty, as it sprang itself sitting on the counter waiting to be set in place. Maybe I need to set out more traps - but I think I have all my traps out! I might, might, have another package somewhere. I'm seriously starting to reconsider my stance on glue traps.
