Saturday, October 11, 2008


One of the booths at the Wildlife Expo had real bats for the kids to look at, and this lovely frame to pose in. The kids got to kayak around an indoor pond, watch bird dogs demonstrate their skill, learn how to go fishing, and see their father give a puppet show. I'm not sure what I was expecting from the title, Wildlife Expo, maybe something more about hiking and camping and that sort of thing, but mostly it was about hunting, with a few outdoors adventure type things too. Eric and a few other park rangers were working the buffalo chip toss and puppet show, and their booth had some nice exhibits on the CCC and the many uses of buffalo parts and pieces.

There was one booth giving away tastes of various game - venison sausage (or jerky, can't remember), bison chili, something else. Sam wouldn't try any of it, and Awyn surprised us by not only trying everything, but finishing everything and wanted more. Sam was disappointed that we didn't make it over to the gun/hunting section where they were demonstrating gun safety and actually shooting at targets, or so the frequent sound of gunfire led me to believe. I do want Sam and Awyn to attend gun safety classes even though we don't own any firearms. Who knows when they'll be at a friend's house where half the family hunts or something like that.
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